Safety 1st: North Carolina Facility Receives Rising STAR
October 22, 2012
FLS’s third North Carolina facility-located in Berkeley, N.C. — received the Rising STAR (Safety Through Achievement and Recognition) designation as part of the North Carolina Department of Labor’s Carolina STAR Program.
According the U.S. Department of Labor, businesses that fully implement best-in-class OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) injury and illness prevention programs in their workplaces can experience significant increases not only in safety, but improve both workplace culture and the bottom line.
At FLS, our business as usual reflects an unwavering commitment to the highest workplace safety standards, which we strongly believe should serve as the industry standard for management service providers.
Most recently, FLS’s third North Carolina facility-located in Berkeley, N.C. — received the Rising STAR (Safety Through Achievement and Recognition) designation as part of the North Carolina Department of Labor’s Carolina STAR Program. Designed to recognize and promote effective safety and health management systems, STAR is an OSHA verified program.
FLS strives for all its facilities to attain the highest levels of excellence. Last year, our Lexington, North Carolina facility achieved the highest rating, the Carolina STAR designation, which recognizes exemplar worksites with the ability to self-sufficiently control workplace hazards.
According to a recent OSHA Injury and Illness Prevention Programs White Paper, even though workplace fatalities and injuries have declined more than 60 percent in the last 40 years, study after study links even higher standards to better quality workplaces and business success. Huang’s 2009 study of financial decision makers in the U.S. demonstrates the many benefits of effective workplace safety programs: increased productivity (43%), reduced costs (28%), employee retention (7%) and increased employee morale and job satisfaction (6%).
Further, when management and employees work together on safety first and build a culture attuned to prevention, a business has the ultimate keys to success, as supported by Gallagher’s 2001 study.
So, for FLS and other firms, it turns out that implementing well-managed workplace programs is not only the right thing to do for our employees’ well-being, it’s good for business, too.
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