Facility Logistic Services Receives North Carolina Department of Labor Safety Award
January 26, 2012| NEXT »
In today’s fast paced, high stakes business world, impeccable safety standards have never been more critical. As recent news stories remind us, safety is the key to protecting people, businesses and brands, delivering exceptional service, and continuing the managed service industry’s vitality.
With today’s increasingly complex supply chain, it often makes sense for companies to focus on core competencies, and outsource operations, manufacturing, warehousing and more. However, as periodic manufacturing incidents and even the oil spill on the Gulf illustrate, it’s critical for companies to partner with reputable third party partners dedicated to the highest safety standards and to invest in systems to ensure safety. Otherwise, lives can be unnecessarily endangered and reputations marred, especially if risky short cuts are taken.
Official safety programs and designations are one way companies can gauge a potential outsourcing partner’s commitment to safety as well as level of safety expertise. The Carolina STAR program, which is sponsored by the North Carolina Department of Labor, is a great example. Designed to recognize and promote effective safety and health management systems, the STAR (Safety Through Achievement and Recognition) is an Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) verified program.
In 2011, FLS’s Lexington, North Carolina facility underwent this rigorous application process and received the highest rating, the Carolina STAR designation, which recognizes worksites with the ability to self-sufficiently control workplace hazards, something we believe should ultimately become an industry standard for managed services providers.
Particularly for businesses involved in the production, distribution or warehousing of products, dedication to the highest safety standards creates a culture of checks and balances and one that business partners, employees, and customers can truly trust to deliver in their best interests without compromise.
About FLS
Facility Logistic Services (FLS) specializes in managed services for leading companies. We provide comprehensive, reliable and seamless solutions for operations, manufacturing, warehousing, workforce management, and more at your location or ours.
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